The Mercedes E-Class

The Mercedes E-Class, renowned for its elegance and sophistication, is a luxurious sedan that exudes comfort and style. With its cutting-edge technology, refined interior, and powerful performance, it epitomizes the essence of a modern limousine, offering a first-class experience for both driver and passengers alike.

The E-Class

Service Price Book Now
Airport Arrival (Meet & Greet) SGD 85 Book Now
Airport Departure SGD 75 Book Now
Cruise Arrival (Meet & Greet) SGD 85 Book Now
Cruise Departure SGD 75 Book Now
Hourly Booking (Minimum 3 hours) SGD 70 Book Now
Point-to-point (City Transfer) SGD 75 Book Now


Surcharge Type Price
Midnight (2300hrs to 0659hrs) SGD 15
Waiting Time (Block of 10 minutes) SGD 15
To/From Tuas SGD 25


  • Airport arrival: 60 mins grace based on flight landed time
  • All other services: 15 mins grace on booking time
  • For hourly booking, midnight surcharge is charged hourly.